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? PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! ? Better water, Less Waste! Enjoy healthier, great-tasting water with the Brita Monterey Water Filter Pitcher, available in either standard white, ocean blue, or refreshing green. You'll enjoy great-tasting, cleaner water for just pennies per gallon. The Brita Monterey Water Filter Pitcher comes with two activated carbon and ion-exchange resin filters that reduce chlorine taste and odor, zinc taste, copper, mercury, and cadmium often found in tap water. BPA-free and ergonomically designed, this oval-shaped water pitcher also features a flip-top lid which makes refilling a breeze, as well as a comfort grip handle for easier pouring. With it’s large 10-cup capacity, the Brita Monterey is perfect for larger households, sports teams, offices - and provides a convenient, cost-effective alternative to buying bottled water. The convenient electronic filter indicator reminds you when it's time to change the filter. Features: Dimensions: |